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Port Updates

Houston, Galveston, Texas City, & Freeport, TX - Daily Port Update 12/31/2017 Normal
Houston, Galveston, Texas City, & Freeport, TX - Daily Port Update 12/31/2017 Normal
Houston, Galveston, Texas City, & Freeport, TX - Daily Port Update 12/30/2017 Normal
Houston, Galveston, Texas City, & Freeport, TX - Daily Port Update 12/29/2017 Normal
Houston, Galveston, Texas City, & Freeport, TX - Daily Port Update 12/28/2017 Normal
Houston, Galveston, Texas City, & Freeport, TX - Daily Port Update 12/27/2017 Normal
Houston, Galveston, Texas City, & Freeport, TX - Daily Port Update 12/26/2017 Normal
Houston, Galveston, Texas City, & Freeport, TX - Daily Port Update 12/25/2017 Normal
Houston, Galveston, Texas City, & Freeport, TX - Daily Port Update 12/24/2017 Normal
Houston, Galveston, Texas City, & Freeport, TX - Daily Port Update 12/23/2017 Normal
Houston, Galveston, Texas City, & Freeport, TX - Daily Port Update 12/22/2017 Normal
Houston, Galveston, Texas City, & Freeport, TX - Daily Port Update 12/21/2017 Normal
Houston, Galveston, Texas City, & Freeport, TX - Daily Port Update 12/20/2017 Normal
Houston, Galveston, Texas City, & Freeport, TX - Daily Port Update 12/19/2017 Normal
Houston, Galveston, Texas City, & Freeport, TX - Daily Port Update 12/18/2017 Normal
Houston, Galveston, Texas City, & Freeport, TX - Daily Port Update 12/17/2017 Normal
Houston, Galveston, Texas City, & Freeport, TX - Daily Port Update 12/16/2017 Normal
Houston, Galveston, Texas City, & Freeport, TX - Daily Port Update 12/15/2017 Normal
Houston, Galveston, Texas City, & Freeport, TX - Daily Port Update 12/14/2017 Normal
Houston, Galveston, Texas City, & Freeport, TX - Daily Port Update 12/13/2017 Normal
Houston, Galveston, Texas City, & Freeport, TX - Daily Port Update 12/12/2017 Normal
Houston, Galveston, Texas City, & Freeport, TX - Daily Port Update 12/11/2017 Normal
Houston, Galveston, Texas City, & Freeport, TX - Daily Port Update 12/10/2017 Normal
Houston, Galveston, Texas City, & Freeport, TX - Daily Port Update 12/09/2017 Normal
Houston, Galveston, Texas City, & Freeport, TX - Daily Port Update 12/08/2017 Normal
Houston, Galveston, Texas City, & Freeport, TX - Daily Port Update 12/07/2017 Normal
Houston, Galveston, Texas City, & Freeport, TX - Daily Port Update 12/06/2017 Normal
Houston, Galveston, Texas City, & Freeport, TX - Daily Port Update 12/05/2017 Normal
Houston, Galveston, Texas City, & Freeport, TX - Daily Port Update 12/04/2017 Normal
NWS Update: Sea Fog Potential12/03/2017 Normal
Houston, Galveston, Texas City, & Freeport, TX - Daily Port Update 12/03/2017 Normal
Houston, Galveston, Texas City, & Freeport, TX - Daily Port Update 12/02/2017 Normal
Houston, Galveston, Texas City, & Freeport, TX - Daily Port Update 12/01/2017 Normal

Daily Port Update

Date:Thursday, May 26, 2022


Moran Shipping Agencies Daily Update for Galveston/Texas City and Freeport





The NVMC website and the portal which processes eNOADs have been down since sometime on 5/23/2022. As of approximately 1000 CST on 5/25/2022, workbooks

and XML files that have been emailed to are now being processed.

If you require any assistance with submitting a Notice of Arrival and/or Departure, please reach out to our eNOAD department

at the Moran Office of Maritime & Port Security (MOMPS) at







Galveston/Texas City Port Information


              Current Status: OPEN

Galveston pilot restrictions:

Vessels must commence at least (2) hours before sunset, and not before sunrise.

Galveston Bar to ports of Galveston County:

Vessels over 120,000 DWT (Daylight hours only) for arrivals and sailings, but may be shifted or turned at night within Galveston or Texas City May sail from Bolivar Roads at night A second pilot is required Vessels with draft over 40 feet Daylight hours only Vessels with LOA of 860 feet or more a second pilot is required

Galveston Bar to Bolivar Roads:

LNG tankers shall be daylight only coming into Bolivar Roads.  They may sail from Bolivar Roads at night.

Galveston Bar to Port of Texas City:

The maximum length limit of any vessel handled in the Texas City main basin shall be 1,000 feet. Ships, seagoing barges, and other large vessels are restricted from passing each other in the Texas City Channel or the Carbide Canal. Vessel coming out of Houston has priority over vessel leaving Texas City at the same time.

Galveston pilots:

Coast Guard:

In the below tab, you will find current MARSEC levels, port status, and MSIB updates.

Weather report:

      Tide Report:

Port Galveston Report:

                             Galveston Offshore Lightering area:

Draft Information:

                             For current draft information, please contact local Moran agent.

281-534-2501 (24 Hours)

2022 Port Galveston Closures:

             Please note that closure updates are prone to change, and will be updated upon notification of closures. 


                             April 2022       

0200/06 Channel closed due to fog 0700/06 Channel open 1800/12 Channel closed due to weather 0515/13 Channel open

                             March 2022

0300/06 Channel closed due to fog 1230/06 Channel open 0600/07 Channel closed due to fog 0815/07 Channel open 0200/22 Channel closed due to weather 0830/22 Channel open 0225/31 Channel closed due to a search & rescue operation by USCG 0700/31 Channel open

                             February 2022

1910/01 Channel closed due to fog 2045/01 Channel open 0320/02 Channel closed due to fog 0330/03 Channel open 1915/17 Channel closed due to high winds 0600/18 Channel open 0130/21 Channel closed due to fog 0430/21 Channel open            2000/21 Channel closed due to fog 0300/22 Channel open 1800/22 Channel closed due to fog 0700/23 Channel open



Freeport Port Information:


        Current Status: OPEN


Brazos Pilot Restrictions:

Port restrictions in freeport are based on zones within the port. For port restrictions, please click on the link below to find the current restrictions set by pilots for the zone you are inquiring about.

Brazos Pilots:

Coast Guard:

In the below tab, you will find current MARSEC levels, port status, and MSIB updates.

            Weather Report:

                    Tide Report:

                    Port Freeport Report:

Draft Information:

                             For current draft information, please contact local Moran agent.

281-534-2501 (24 Hours)

              2022 Port Freeport Closures:

Please note that closure updates are prone to change, and will be updated upon notification of closures.


                             May 2022

1000/24 channel closed due to weather 0800/23 suspended traffic due to high wind

April 2022

Ø  0010/05 Channel closed due to fog

Ø  0800/05 Channel open

Ø  1817/05 Channel closed due to fog

Ø  0811/06 Channel open

Ø  0001/11 Channel closed due to high winds

Ø  0700/11 Channel open

Ø  1115/12 Channel closed due to high winds

Ø  1600/12 Channel open

Ø  1800/12 Channel closed due to high winds

Ø  0700/13 Channel open

Ø  0130/26 Channel closed due to high winds

Ø  0630/26 Channel open

March 2022

Ø  0501/06 Channel close due to fog

Ø  1100/06 Channel open

Ø  1805/11 Channel closed due to high winds

Ø  0700/12 Channel open

Ø  1200/21 Channel closed due to high winds

Ø  1600/21 Channel open

Ø  1850/21 Channel closed due to rough conditions and high winds

Ø  0907/22 Channel open

Ø  1133/22 Channel closed to inbound traffic due to weather

Ø  1730/22 Channel closed to all traffic due to weather

Ø  2300/22 Channel open

Ø  0030/23 Channel closed due to high winds

Ø  0115/23 Channel open

Ø  1100 /30 Channel closed due to high winds

Ø  1300/30 Channel open

February 2022

Ø  0700/01 Channel open

Ø  0435/02 Channel closed due to fog

Ø  0215/03 Channel open

Ø  1815/17 Channel closed due to high winds

Ø  0600/18 Channel open

Ø  2125/20 Channel closed due to fog

Ø  0800/21 Channel open

Ø  2120/21 Channel closed due to fog

Ø  0715/22 Channel open

Ø  2115/22 Channel closed due to fog

Ø  0022/23 Channel open

January 2022

Ø  0714/06 Channel closed due to fog

Ø  1000/06 Channel open

Ø  1130/15 Channel closed due to high winds

Ø  1930/15 Channel open

Ø  2115/31 Channel closed due to weather

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Notice posted on Thursday, May 26, 2022

For quality assurance purposes please note well that while the above information is regularly vetted for accuracy it is not intended to replace the local knowledge or expertise pertaining to port conditions of our marine operations personnel. Port précis should always be verified by contacting the corresponding marine department of a particular location for the most up-to-date information.